In many cultures, burning incense has spiritual and religious connotations. In such cultures, burning incense at the final resting place of a loved one allows prayers to infuse upwards towards the sky. The burning of incense is also intended to release fragrant smoke for other religious purposes as it smolders.
Currently those wishing to burn incense at a cemetery, either bring their own incense burners to the cemetery and take the incense burner away when they are done or create an incense burner from aluminum foil and leave the incense burning in the aluminum foil next to a grave marker when they leave. This common practice creates a fire hazard for the cemetery as well as undue litter.
Incem, Inc. has created a cemetery incense burner which can be placed at a grave marker permanently. Incem, Inc.’s patented Cemetery Incense Burner is specially designed to avoid the incense burner from being damaged by wind, rain, and other perils associated with cemeteries, such as maintenance equipment and at the same time not to interfere with normal cemetery maintenance.